developmental stages occur in a sequential order reflected by different visual characteristics in their artworks. Therefore, our curriculum is carefully
designed in accordance with each of their specific stage.
2-3 Toddler Scribbling
At this stage, usually 2-3 years
of age, children manipulate drawing tools and make random marks, dots, and
lines with little concern for the appearance of the marks they make. Toddlers develop the control in their hands
needed in order to use drawing tools, interested in scribbling which
provides sensory enjoyment and helps young children improve muscle coordination.
Scribbling seems to be random, but not meaningless: a drawn symbol can stand
for a real thing in the environment. Toddlers may tell you a line is a fire
truck and a circle is a parrot. While they may not have intended to draw an
apple or grapes, the scribbles suggest the shapes because children interpret
rather than intend. To toddlers, circular movement is first and circular form
becomes a universal symbol for almost anything.
3-4 Representational Drawing (The Stage of Symbols)
the age of 3-4, children begin to draw in a more realistic manner, and first
conscious creation of form occurs around age three. Later symbols become more
complex, reflecting children’s observations on the world around them. They
start to produce representative symbols which are formed with circles,
squares, and lines for the common objects such as sun, flower, tree, fish and
cat. According to Piaget and Inhelder (1963), preschoolers draw what they know
about the world, rather than attempting to capture a photographic mirror of
reality. At this stage, the symbols children
create change frequently.
Ages 5-6 Realistic Representations
At the age of 5-6,
children develop a set of symbols to create a landscape that eventually becomes
a single variation repeated endlessly. The main characteristics of this stage
are habitual repetition of symbols for familiar objects. Examples are the stiff
and flat drawings of people, or a series of houses or cars which are all drawn
the same. Another characteristics of this stage is the use of the base-line: a blue line and sun at the top of the page become
symbolic representations of the sky, and a green line at the bottom of the page
represents ground. Children at this age compose landscapes carefully, and the
balance of the whole picture usually is well considered.
6-8 The
Schematic Stage
As children move into concrete operational thought
after age six or seven, they start to show a strong focus on drawing in a more
realistic fashion. The children arrive at a "schema," a definite way
of portraying an object. The pictures become more complex and multiple
base-lines are the major organizational devices used by the children in this
stage. The concrete operational thinkers see the
world in terms of what is, rather than what could be. Therefore, the children’s
drawings at this stage reflect the world in factual, realistic representations. The schema represents the children's active
knowledge of the subjects. At this stage, there is definite order in space
relationships: everything sits on the base line.
Ages 8-9 The Gang Stage (The Dawning Realism)
this stage, children find that schematic generalization no longer suffices to
express reality. This dawning of how things really look is usually expressed
with more details for individual parts, but is far from naturalism in drawing.
Children at this stage start to discover space and depict it with overlapping
objects in drawings and a horizon line rather than a base line. They begin to
compare their artworks and become more critical of them. While they are more
independent of adults, they are more anxious to conform to their peers. If they don’t feel satisfied with their
artworks, they may lose confidence, and interest as well, in drawing. It would
seem, then, that the middle school years would be an ideal time for direct
instruction in technical drawing techniques for those children who need that
support in order to keep them confident enough to continue drawing.
Ages 9-10 The Stage
of Complexity (The Transitional Stage)
At nine or ten years old, children try for more details, hoping to achieve
greater realism, and attempt to produce artworks that meet adult standards. Concern
for where things are in their drawings is replaced by concern for how things
look-- particularly tanks, trucks, dinosaurs, super heroes, etc. for boys; models,
horses, landscapes, etc. for girls. The base-line is replaced by a receding
ground plane, and there is frequent use of intentional overlapping and some use
of linear perspective. Children at this stage give much attention to details,
sex roles, and clothing differences. A few children who enter this stage will
reach a plateau and not enter the stage of realism.
Ages 11-12 The Stage of Realism
At this stage,
children’s passion for realism is in full bloom and they start to produce
artworks in the manner of adult artists. When drawings do not "come out
right" (look real), they seek help to resolve conflict between how the
subject looks and previously stored information that prevents their seeing the
object as it really looks. At this stage
children become most critical and self conscious about their ability to produce
realistic artworks. When they produce
artworks they show considerable control over the medium, content, and
organization. The figures in their drawings become natural in appearance, or
are intentionally stylized. Linear and
aerial perspectives are consistently used in their artworks.
Ages 12 and up The Pseudo- naturalistic Stage
After 12 years old
children enter adolescence, marking the end of art as spontaneous activity. They
give focus to the end product as they strive to create "adult-like"
naturalistic drawings. Light and shadow, three-dimension…they are increasingly and
critically aware of the immaturity of their drawings and therefore continuously
experience frustration at "getting things right." This stage is the crisis period when children are
easily discouraged. Those who do
manage to survive the crisis and learn the "secret" of drawing will
become absorbed in it. At this stage, natural artistic development ceases
unless proper teaching methods helps children consciously learn to improve
drawing skills and prevent this crisis.